When it comes to marketing your business website you should look at hiring an elite Phoenix web design company such as HireAWiz. We have proven that we know how to help our clients grow the next level and want to help yours grow but if you decide that you want to try to market your […]
When it comes to marketing your business website you should look at hiring an elite Phoenix web design company such as HireAWiz. We have proven that we know how to help our clients grow the next level and want to help yours grow but if you decide that you want to try to market your […]
Have you experienced the nightmare of trying to get things added to your website but having to wait a day or two for your Phoenix web developer to post the content? Then after all that you find out they are billing you for an hour of work and you know that it couldn’t of taken […]
You spend a lot of time, money and effort to have your websites do more than just be an attractive landing page. You need them to convert. You pull your hair out devising ways to get people to visit, so they can see and purchase your products or services. That’s why it was created in […]
These days, it’s very common to have websites built on the versatile WordPress platform. Some statistics put its usage in website platforms as high as 50% of the entire internet. WordPress sites are not merely blogs: large brand websites and businesses are powered by this popular content-management system (CMS) platform as well. WordPress’ flexibility and […]
Have you ever really taken an in-depth look at your website from the perspective of a potential customer? Is it an abject testimonial to the wonders of your company, or does it do everything possible to deliver real value to your customers and prospects? It’s an easy mistake to make, particularly if you are relatively […]
There comes a time in your online business journey where measuring the ROI of your website becomes a necessity. One of the best ways to enhance the chances of success lies in knowing and understanding your numbers. While this can be wildly complicated sometimes, our intent in this post is to shed some light on […]
Perhaps you’ve done a bang-up job of creating a sizable fan base on your company Facebook page. They’re there, and somewhat responsive for the moment, not worth much to your business as leads go. So now what? Now you need to find ways to turn these Fans into loyal customers. Marketers always lament that selling […]
If you’re running a local business, one of your constant wishes is for some simplicity when it comes to marketing your business online. While these days there exists more opportunity than ever before to get your products and services before a vast audience, all of this comes at a price. That price is your sanity […]
I can’t tell you how many times I’m asked, “How much does it cost to build a website?” Today we’ll peek behind the curtain and answer that question, giving you real numbers you can chew on and also offering a deeper insight into what goes into this decision. The costs of a new website build […]
Mobile use is getting set to eclipse fixed-internet use. Right now around 80% of people online use their smart phones to search the web. This number is expected to increase as smart phone use continues to grow and people become more accustomed to a mobile lifestyle. For this reason alone you need to make sure […]