If you own a business and have a website you are likely placing images all over the web whether it be on Facebook, your website, your blog or any other place you maybe placing images. This is why understanding how to optimize your images for search engines is so important. You don’t want go through […]
If you own a business and have a website you are likely placing images all over the web whether it be on Facebook, your website, your blog or any other place you maybe placing images. This is why understanding how to optimize your images for search engines is so important. You don’t want go through […]
So your attempting to get your website into the top 10 search results for a keyword on Google’s search engine? Well the top 10 may not be good enough shortly as Google is now considering moving the number of search results on page 1 from 10 down to 7. This has a lot of people […]
A major factor to any SEO campaign is link building. We are not talking about getting links to the low PR websites or just spamming blogs with your link but actual link building that helps your website. If you try to take a shortcut with this process and just spam sites with your link it […]
Using a Phoenix web design company to start an SEO campaign is a great idea but there is some research that you should complete prior to just diving into an SEO campaign. Laying the ground work prior to your SEO campaign can be key to whether you will notice sales going up. A businesses goal […]
As a Phoenix web designer we understand that not every business has the resources to pay for an SEO campaign. Does this mean you should ignore SEO? Of course not! If your website was created and designed with SEO in mind then their are things that you can begin doing to work on your rankings. […]
Video’s on the internet are becoming more and more popular just look at the success of YouTube but what can you do to take advantage of this. Well video’s are not only something eye catching to help wow your visitors but it will also help SEO. Search engine optimization is a huge competitive advantage as […]
Do you want instant visitors to your website? If you are willing to pay for them then you can use Google pay per click. This is a more expensive option than using search engine optimization to get natural traffic. By using Google pay per click you have to pay a bid price every time a […]
Are you happy with your website traffic? How hard is your SEO company working to boost the traffic of your prospective clients to your site? As a Scottsdale Web Development company we frequently witness how important being ranked on the top page of Google for targeted keywords actually is. Many business owners hear many Scottsdale […]
What is the one thing every website must have to be successful? Is it a great look and feel? No. Is it an eCommerce site? No. Is it Social Media Pages? No. The answer is visitors because no matter how great your website is and how much your friends and family thinks of it if […]
Having a website can be pointless unless you have traffic to the website. I could own a Bentley but if I wasn’t allowed to take it out of the garage what would be the point of owning it? Same thing holds true with websites. You want to get as many customers to your website as […]