How Can Video SEO Help Your Search Engine Rankings

How Can Video SEO Help Your Search Engine Rankings

Why video? Statistics indicate that that 17% of people spend less than four seconds on a website, but they are willing to spend 2.7 minutes watching a video online. Video is powerful especially if it has quality, educates or engages the viewer. The focus of this blog is on video SEO and not how to create a viral video. Let’s start of by answering the basic question of what is video SEO and why is it important? Video SEO is when you use videos to help get your site and content indexed for search results. Research shows that it’s much easier bolster your SEO results by integrating your site with videos. Most people think of videos they think of YouTube. We will explain how you can rank higher in search results and increase your domain ranking with video and how to optimize video for SEO. From our point of view, there are 3 primary purposes for video from an SEO perspective:

  1. Ranking, traffic and conversions: Help boost your website/blog or video results to get more click and hopefully customers.
  2. Brand impressions and notoriety: Help get the word out about your business/brand.
  3. Links: Building credible, quality backlinks back to your website/blog.
We have compiled a list of our favorite video service websites where you can either share your content or watch/stream video content. Most of these sites offer users the ability to upload their video content for free and provide users with the ability to link back to the user’s site to build a backlink or provide sections like tags, titles & descriptions to help optimize your video to be found when searched for by relevant keywords.
  1. YouTube
  2. Vimeo
  3. DailyMotion
  4. MetaCafe
  5. Flickr
  6. Viddler
Now that you know about some of these video service sites here are some tips you can use to optimize the videos you post on these services: In order for you to receive the full SEO potential of your videos, you should consider hosting the videos you have directly on your website (instead of using a 3rd party service like Youtube or Vimeo). We recommend this because if you have taken the time to build quality videos you are giving visitors and other people on a web a reason to link back to your domain directly versus the 3rd party service. This ultimately helps your overall SEO efforts by generating a good number of backlinks to your site. The potential drawback to this if you only post your video on your site and not on larger video sites like YouTube that get a billion + visitors a month would be reduced exposure to your video , shares and the ability to go viral. Here are a few tips for optimizing the video on your website: With the information from this post you now have the tools and tips to start leveraging your video content to help boost your SEO efforts and get you better ranking results.