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Phoenix, Arizona 4 Way to Make Your Website More Social https://www.hireawiz.com

4 Way to Make Your Website More Social

4 Way to Make Your Website More Social

Taking advantage of all that social media has to offer can be more difficult than it sounds. When Social Media became so popular many small business owners thought they could take advantage of social media by simply going on a social media website such as Facebook and attempt to sell their service or product to Facebook users. However, this was a terrible miscalculation as social media users do not want to have some salesman on their page trying to sell them something. The ones that figured this out was the ones that took the time to understand their target audience and gave the users a reason to like their business on social media sites. Then the ones who really separated themselves from their competition actually went one step further and integrated social media with their website. Many small business owners don’t understand how to accomplish this, so our SEO company Phoenix came up with some different ways that you can integrate social media with your website.

  1. Add Social Share Buttons On Your Website – This is one that is like air for your social media marketing campaign. If someone is on your website and finds a product that they really think is a great deal and thinks their friends would be interested why not make it easy for them to be able to share it with their friends? Social Share buttons allow the user to share your page across a bunch of different social media pages with one click. They don’t need to copy and paste or anything. All they have to do is click the Facebook icon for example and it will share the page on their Facebook page. This will allow all their friends to see this.
  2. Raise the Bar on Content – If you really want people to follow you on social media sites then give them a reason to follow you and the best way to do this to have great content that people want to read. Most people use a blog in order to accomplish this. The content must be both great and up to date. This offers you a unique opportunity to show the world that you are an expert in your respected industry.
  3. Incentivize When Possible – You want the people who follow your pages to like, comment and share as many of your posts as possible. So whenever you have an opportunity you should incentivize your likes to share your post. You can accomplish this by maybe placing them in a drawing for liking or sharing your post.
  4. Give Customers and Potential Customers Access to You – Give your social media sites a personality by showing your customers that they can contact you on your page. Whether it is a complaint or a compliment make sure you respond to all posts on your social media sites. This will give you an opportunity to show people that you care about your customers. This will allow you to use great customer service to win over business much like a brick and mortar stores do.

These are 4 ways that you can integrate your social media marketing campaign with your website. This will boost your social media marketing campaign and will allow to finally start reaping the benefits of the social media age.


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