As a Phoenix web design company we see many different requests between websites and clients. The clients can be in similar industries but their idea of what their website should have are totally opposite from one another. Most of the requests are good and help their website but their are certain add-ons that website owners request that not only don?t help but makes visitors to the website hate their website. Now this sounds crazy but when I begin listing them try placing yourself as the visitor and you will see what I mean. So what are these enhancements that cause your visitors to hate your website? I have put together the top 5 that I found that causes the majority of your visitors to never return.
- Pop Ups ? Now when you think of pop ups you maybe thinking of the annoying advertisements and these should not be placed on your website which most people understand but the ones that are less obvious are those annoying little pop ups that occur when a visitor is trying to leave a website. Some website owners think these are helpful and prevent people from leaving your website but what it ends up doing is making visitors never want to comeback to your website.
- Automatically Playing Multimedia ? Have you ever been to a website that had music playing and you couldn?t get it to stop or maybe it was playing a video and you had to scroll up and down the page to try to find where the video is playing so you can stop it. I know personally I just leave the website and I am sure there are more visitors that do the same thing.
- No Way to Contact You Right Away ? I have mentioned this in the past but there is nothing more frustrating then having to contact a company right away and the only form of contact they have on the website is a contact us form. Make sure your company?s email and phone number is displayed prominently on your website.
- Unable to Find Links ? There is a reason links use different colors and sometimes even underline the text to indicate a link. Have you ever been to a website that kept the links the same color and used nothing to set them apart. Unless you happened to scroll over it by accident. Make sure all the links on your website stand out from the rest of the text.
- Load Times of Your Website ? As technology has improved people have become less and less patient waiting for a website to load. Nobody like to go back in the past and wait minutes for your website to load when they can go to one of your competitors website and it will load within minutes.