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Phoenix, Arizona The Importance of a User Friendly Website https://www.hireawiz.com

The Importance of a User Friendly Website

The Importance of a User Friendly Website

Many businesses choose to cut corners when it comes to hiring a Phoenix web design team to complete their website and they pay big time. They may save a little money on the front end but end up losing a lot of customers all because they chose to cut corners. One of the main issues we notice with websites that customers come to us and ask us to redesign because they are not happy is the user friendliness of the website. Let’s take a look at how a website not being user friendly can cost your company business and money. As we all know our customers are the ones paying the bills. Making your website more user friendly can speed up the download time of your web page. As technology has advanced and we have gotten used to high speed internet, there is nothing worse than going to a page that makes us feel like we are back on dial up. An updated, user friendly web page can fix this problem and this where choosing the right Phoenix web design team can make a huge difference. The other issue customers run into with poorly executed websites, is not being able to navigate thru the website. Have you ever been to a website and searched and searched for something but couldn’t find it? Did you give up and leave the site? Did you buy from a competitor? These are all things that are happening to your customers if your site is not user friendly. By simply organizing your web page and directing the customer through the pages, by adding action links such as click here, or learn more buttons, you will increase your web traffic and ultimately online business revenue. Now lets talk about how it could be affecting your employees. Do you own a business where you have employees updating your website content? Or do you use your website to track things your employees are doing? By having a user friendly website this could save your employees a lot of time and headaches. By adding an easy to use content management system, also known as C.M.S., you will be able to save your employees and yourself a lot of time and money while updating your website’s content. You will no longer have to pay an IT or web developer to update content, instead you will be able to perform this task yourself quickly and easily. Choosing the right Phoenix web design company to update your website is key. This is your business and it leaves no room for you to cut corners. HireAWiz is stays up to date on all the latest web design standards and technology so you can do what you do best and run your business. If you would like a free website analysis please contact us today.


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