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Phoenix, Arizona Tips For Optimizing Your Mobile Website https://www.hireawiz.com

Tips For Optimizing Your Mobile Website

I have explained the importance of having mobile friendly websites in previous posts. The times are changing and there is nothing anybody can do about it. A laptop and a desktop will never be able to compete with the convenience factor of being able to surf the internet directly from our phones or tablets. Mobile users are now able to surf the internet whether or not they are around a WiFi connection and can do it easily on the go. This is why it is so important for your business to understand this trend and make it is as easy and convenient as possible for the user. Remember the main reason mobile users use mobile devices is because of the convenience of the them that is why it is absolutely crucial that you make your mobile site convenient for them as well. Our Phoenix web design team understands this and will be able to guide you so that you can maximize your mobile websites potential.

  1. Keep It Simple – Remember that your mobile users are not using a computer so if you try to create a complex website for those users it will be very difficult to navigate and may cause your visitors to leave and go to one of your competitors.
  2. Keep Branding Same – You will want to keep all your branding elements the same between your standard website and your mobile website. Our Phoenix web design team have noticed this on more than one occasion. People won’t know if they are on the correct website if it has a totally different look and feel to it.
  3. Utilize the White Space – Don’t make your page look blank by keeping a lot of white space. Ask your Phoenix web design company for suggestions on how to tactfully fill all the white space on the page.
  4. Minimize The Text Boxes – Mobile users don’t like to have to type a lot from their phones and tablets so be mindful to this and create your mobile website so that you minimize the user having to type.
  5. Use Mobile Redirects – Make sure that when a mobile user is coming to your website then they land on your mobile page. You don’t want to have your Phoenix web design team design a beautiful mobile website just to have your users viewing your standard website.

I can’t possibly tell you enough how important reaching the mobile users are to your business. The use of mobile devices is only growing and is not going to go away anytime soon. Try surfing your website on your mobile phone or tablet. Is it easy to maneuver or are you having difficulties? If it is difficult please contact HireAWiz today for a free quote. We are an elite Phoenix web design team.


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